A Class at SUNY Oswego Changed Her Life

Now as a professor at the college, Karin Dykeman hopes to inspire the next generation of educators By Steve Yablonski [caption id="attachment_791" align="alignright" width="125"] Assistant professor Karin Dykeman joined SUNY Oswego’s Technology Department in August…

How to Make This Your Best Year Yet

By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant It’s unanimous: 2020-2021 was one tough year for everyone. Here is how you can make the 2021-2022 school year the best one yet.  • Dig into your studies. Your academic life…

College classroom

In-Person Classes: Pros and Cons

By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant While online classes are nothing new, they became a staple for education when COVID-19 hit even if you wanted to attend in person. But what are the pros and cons of…


Post-COVID-19 Anxiety

By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant Despite the presence of the vaccine, does COVID-19 still deeply concern you? If so, you’re not alone. “Some students may still worry about catching COVID,” said Andrew Poole, public and media…

Oswego’s sororities worked together to collect items for the SUNY Oswego Toy Drive, which benefits local families.

Clubs and Groups Vital to College Experience

By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant Joining clubs and groups in college isn’t just a fun way to pass time. It can also help you network with people important to your future and learn more about the…

Time Management

Tips…for Managing Time in a Re-opening World

By Melissa Stefanec With any luck, the trajectory of life will keep curving toward normal. Assuming this fall and winter don’t present us with additional shutdowns, most of us will resume our pre-pandemic social lives.…